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Product Reviews

Counterfeiting happens when you’re a supplement brand in over 100 countries and one of the largest companies in the industry.... [More]
Last week we shared news of the MUTANT Lift Off Into Summer limited edition ROCKET POP flavor series of MUTANT products that were... [More]
MitoBurn® (L-BAIBA, β-aminoisobutyric acid), known as an “exercise factor”, increased levels of L-BAIBA are associated with many... [More]
With the Summer season in full swing, MUTANT is taking us on a bit of a walk down memory lane with the launch of their new... [More]
Our product testing team here at Muscle Insider had the pleasure of sampling the full assortment of Alpha Prime PrimeBites... [More]
The Vitamin Shoppe has announced the creation and celebration of the first-ever National Creatine Day on July 9, 2022. The new... [More]
By Scott Welch Our friends over at No Sugar Company have been on fire for the last 12 months, launching product after product... [More]
The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and has carried cultural significance for generations. These are often... [More]
Roundhouse Provisions has announced that they have teamed up with action movie star Chuck Norris to launch a new nutritional... [More]
A place on Team MuscleTech has long been a coveted title in the fitness world and rarely do vacant spots come available. Until... [More]
With the challenges in the supply chain, many North American brands have been forced to cut back on the production of items in... [More]
For many, a team jersey is the first thing that connects us to our favorite athlete. We wear it to show support for our teams,... [More]
