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Product Reviews

Stuart McRobert’s New Brawn Series, Book 1: How to Build up to 50 Pounds of Muscle the Natural Way Want to jack your training up... [More]
PharmaFreak Technologes
When you walk into any supplement store, one product line stands out on store shelves. It’s PharmaFreak’s distinctive yellow... [More]
Iovate Health Sciences
Since coming on the scene in 1996, MuscleTech has been one of the top-selling companies in the history of sports supplementation... [More]
Revolution Nutrition
Revolution Nutrition’s commitment to customers is to produce state-of-the-art sports supplements that deliver real results.... [More]
Magnum Nutraceuticals
Based on Canada’s west coast, Magnum Nutraceuticals’ top-notch protein Quattro has set new standards in the protein category.... [More]
When a pre-workout’s tagline is “Leave Humanity Behind!” you know you’re not drinking your grandmother’s lemonade. Mayhem is... [More]
SD Pharmaceuticals
SD Pharmaceuticals always comes out with innovative formulas, bringing new, never-thought-to-be-used ingredients to the market.... [More]
PharmaFreak Technologes
From its distinctive yellow-black packaging to potent cutting-edge formulas, hardcore supplement line PharmaFreak Technologies... [More]

What can you say about a supplement company that has its own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Toronto? If you were... [More]
